
New product


- Programmed for All PANTONE Solid Colors including Metallics & Pastels
- New - includes PANTONE Goe System Color Range
- Large backlit display with detailed information
- Indicator bar showing progress of each base ink addition
- Dual operation Pounds and Kilograms
- Proven performance

The PANTONE Formula Scale 3 comes ready programmed with ALL the formulas contained in the standard PANTONE Formula Guide (including metallics & fluorescents), and the latest colors in both the PANTONE Metallic Formula Guide and the PANTONE Pastel Formula Guide. Now all PANTONE Formula Scale 3 Models are also programmed with the New PANTONE Goe System Color Range.

These scales can be used to mix up Any PANTONE solid color.

The new standard PANTONE Formula Scale 3 models are able to mix ink to formulate PANTONE Colors, up to maximum capacities. They are great for all printers who have a variety of color printing requirements and a reputation for quality results.

Guided through the addition of the base inks by a progress bar, you can then use the weight indicator for the precise amount. Should you miss out any of the bases, or not be within tolerances, you will be warned before you quit the mixing sequence.

As with all PANTONE Formula Scales, you simply select the PANTONE Color you want to mix, enter the quantity, then put a container onto the weigh pan and step through the mixing sequence. The scales will compute the exact amounts of each of the base inks required, and warn you of any potential problems.

Context sensitive information is available at the touch of a button, so you can easily check a formula, the quantities of base inks required or the progress of the mix. You can also select from a number of options, including a choice to work in lbs. or kg.

The PANTONE Formula Scale 3 builds on the success of the classic PANTONE Formula Scale, proven by thousands of printers throughout the world to be the best way to accurately mix up PANTONE colors, with the latest technology providing a host of advanced features.

Pantone Formula Scale 3+ - 12 Lb. / 5 Kg. The New PANTONE Formula Scale 3+ has all the features of the standard PANTONE Formula Scale 3
UVPS Part Number F013-019

Additional Features:

- Stores up to 100 Custom Formulas
- High Resolution Mode for difficult mixes
- Single key Recalculate feature

The NEW PANTONE Formula Scale 3+ comes with all of the many features of the standard PANTONE Formula Scale 3, plus important extra advanced features.

Like the standard PFS3 scales, it comes ready programmed with all the formulas contained in the standard PANTONE Formula Guide (including metallics & fluorescents), and the latest colors in both the PANTONE Metallic Formula Guide and the PANTONE Pastel Formula Guide. Now all PANTONE Formula Scale 3 Models are also programmed with the NEW PANTONE Goe System Color Range. These scales can be used to mix up ANY PANTONE solid color.

This new model allows you can store up to 100 of your own Custom colors. The custom formulas can be derived from known PANTONE Colors by editing, or entered from new data. When saved, they can be named for easy reference. Some formulas are more critical than others, so the New PANTONE Formula Scale 3+ has an x10 High Resolution weighing mode. If you need to use it because one or more of the components of a mix is very small, the Scale will prompt you. It will also allow you to make very small mixes when needed.

All of the current PANTONE Formula Scales offer a feature to Recalculate the components of a mix if you accidentally add too much of a component, and can't remove it from the mix. This model simplifies the operation by providing the Recalculate function on a separate key.

Pantone Formula Scale 3+ - 25 Lb. / 10 Kg. The New PANTONE Formula Scale 3+ has all the features of the standard PANTONE Formula Scale 3 & Formula Scale 3+:
UVPS Part Number F013-051

Additional Features:

- 25 Lb. / 10 Kg. Ink Mixing Capacity
- High Resolution Mode for difficult mixes


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