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Consistent electrical draw by a UV curing system is essential to maintaining peak UV lamp performance. With reliable electrical service, UV curing lamps will perform with greater predictability to deliver more consistent, repeatable results. CON-TROL-CURE®'s LAMP VOLTAGE INTERFACE (LVI), a fully compatible volt measurement device, monitors this draw and can be installed into any CON-TROL-CURE® or 3rd party UV curing system.

The LVI integrates parallel to your curing equipment's power supply and irradiator to provide continuous feedback of voltage level during operation. When interfaced with a high impedance panel-mount volt meter, the LVI provides a numerical power reading of lamp energy draw. The operator can use this numerical value to determine when a lamp stabilizes and is ready for use. This numerical value is critical in establishing an initial baseline after installing a new lamp.

As the lamp degrades over time, or if air flow (cooling) within the housing is increased and inadvertently lowers lamp temperature, the lamp will draw less energy. As a result, the LVIs numerical reading will be less than its initial baseline. This indicates the lamp is drawing less power and may be performing at less than peak efficiency.

By noting this change in numerical values, you can quickly cross-check this variance through physical cure evaluation before under-cured product is generated. If the tested product fails to cure at this numerical value, you can eliminate the inefficiency by changing the lamp, increasing power, or by changing air flow characteristics.

Directly reports lamp condition
Integrates into any UV curing system
Assists in identifying poor performance
Translates high voltage for use with standard voltmeters
Provides visual, numerical energy values for use in determining lamp performance
Easy to install and access
Mounts parallel to lamp wiring to provide direct reading

Panel-mount volt meter display

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