
New product

This alcohol based CON-TROL-CURE® DYNE PEN-POLY INK is often used as a treat/no treat test pen on polyethylene and polypropylene film. Available with either blue or red ink, the non-cancerous dyne solution is very dark and more environmentally friendly than standard pens. Available only as a 38-40 range pen, it is intended for those who normally only use one pen (as opposed to those testing materials over a broad range).

This pen differs from our other dyne products as follows: When applied to your substrate, it will mark a solid blue or red line (depending on which pen you purchase). If the substrates treatment level is equal to or greater than 38 to 40 Dynes, the line you made will remain solid. If the treatment level is lower than 38 Dynes, the line will bead up or fade within approximately 2 - 5 seconds.

ASTM D2578 - 08 Standard Test Method for Wetting Tension of Polyethylene and Polypropylene Films ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2003, DOI: 10.1520/D2578-08, www.astm.org.

Download MSDS:
SDS2015-PolyRed PolyBlue Pens.pdf


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