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Shown above The UV-Wireless Data Sampler.

(NOTE: UV-Profiler-3000 is the only Profiler from this family that has the PDA display. All other models have no display and require download to a computer.)

The CON-TROL-CURE UV PROFILER RADIOMETERS are a breakthrough in pass-through UV radiometers. These instruments measure UV Intensity (mW/cm) and UV Dose (mJ/cm). The measurement, integrating, and recording of data from all sensor channels takes place at user-defined intervals (eg. 20 second measuring time with a sample rate of 20 milliseconds).

Powerful Windows CE software is included and enables the user to synchronize the UV-Profiler with a PC via RS232 by Microsoft ActiveSync. Once downloaded to a computer, the measured data can be displayed via charts or in graphs showing mW/cm and mJ/cm. These graphs offer zooming, auto-scale, and free-selectable peaks and integrals.

The UV-Wireless Data Sampler are available in 6 distinct models:

Model Information:





UV-4C Data Sampler

The UV-4C Data Sampler is equipped with four UV sensors
for the individual measuring of UV-A, UV-B, UV-C and UV-V.
The UV-sensors contain a cosine corrected UV filter
with a spectral range of 250 to 410 nm.

UV-4C-T Wireless Data Sampler UV-A 315 410 nm
11.1.3 UV-T Wireless Data Sampler UV-B 280 315 nm
11.1.4 UV-T Wireless Data Sampler UV-C 230 280 nm
UV-V 395 445 nm
0 to 230 F / 0 to 110 C

The UV-4C-T Data Sampler is equipped with four UV sensors
for the individual measuring of UV-A, UV-B, UV-C and UV-V.
The UV-sensors contain a cosine corrected UV filter
with a spectral range of 250 to 410 nm.
Precise temperature measuring is made possible
by a fast response temperature sensor.

The UV-Profiler-3000™ handheld system combines the power and convenience of a PDA with the analysis of a full featured radiometer. The UV-Profiler-3000 delivers a rapid profile of your UV curing system and displays the results via its onboard color viewing screen or it can be connected to a PC.

The UV-Profiler-3000 measures UV from 250nm to 410nm. Results are presented as UV Intensity (mW/cm), UV Dose (mJ/cm), and Temperature. The UV-Profiler-3000 is equipped with one UV sensor and one temperature sensor.

The TFT touch screen display shows the complete UV energy profile and offers zooming and auto scale functions. Peaks and Integrals are selectable on the screen and will be displayed in numerical format. The sampling rate is 50 milliseconds (20/second).

The UV-T Profiler series of radiometers is similar to the UV-Profiler-3000 in that it measures UV Intensity, UV Dose, and Temperature. But it differs in 2 main aspects. There is no onboard viewing screen. Results are accessed by connecting the unit to a computer. The other main difference is that the UV-T Profilers are available in 4 different UV ranges:

Full UV: 230nm-410nm (M007-121)
UV-A: 315nm-410nm (M007-122)
UV-B: 280nm-315nm (M007-123)
UV-C: 230nm-280nm (M007-124)

The UV-3C Profiler radiometer measures UV Intensity and UV Dose (not Temperature). The main difference between this unit and the UV-T models is that the UV-3C has 3 UV sensors. So it is able to simultaneously measure UV-A, UV-B, UV-C, and Full UV. As with the UV-T, the data is displayed only via a computer link.

The UV-3C-T Profiler radiometer is identical to the UV-3C but adds the capacity to measure Temperature. As with the UV-3C, the data is displayed via a computer link.

UV Energy Measurement
64 MB Memory
UV Dose Measurement
Auto-scale Function
SD Card
Rechargeable batteries + Come with recharger

Spectral Range: Total UV (250nm to 410nm)
Max. Power Input: 0 to 5,000 mW/cm
Display Range: 0 to 100,000 mJ/cm / 0 to 2,000 mW/cm

Download Support Document:
Measuring UV-Terms and Help.pdf


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