UV CLEAN-UP SOLVENT 3D 101 View larger


New product

UV Process Supply has developed a complete line of clean-up products to remove UV curable inks and coating from frames, mesh, parts, application and most other industrial equipment and production areas. Each product has been developed to provide maximum effectiveness and safety during clean-up while satisfying the needs of today's production environment.

During clean-up, UV CLEAN-UP SOLVENT 3D 101 penetrates dried material, which can then be removed by simply wiping with a wet cloth. Excellent as a stripper, degreaser, soaking solution, floor cleaner, ink degradant, varnish solubilizer and pump cleaner. Non-flammable and will not damage most plastic or metal surfaces. Suitable for stereolithographic applications. Also an excellent press, blanket and screen wash. Available in 1, 5, and 55 gallon containers.

Can be extended with water
Flash point above 140F
Works with stereolithography

Download MSDS:
3D101 US SDS_2015.pdf


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