UV CLEAN-UP SOLVENT 327 View larger


New product

UV Process Supply has developed a complete line of clean-up products to remove UV curable inks and coating from frames, mesh, parts, application and most other industrial equipment and production areas. Each product has been developed to provide maximum effectiveness and safety during clean-up while satisfying the needs of today's production environment.

UV CLEAN-UP SOLVENT 327 has been reformulated for better acceptance with corporate safety programs. Offers high cleansing action with minimal odor. Ideal for removing UV/EB materials, such as coatings, inks or adhesives from application equipment. High flashpoint. Now only available in 55 gallon drums.

HMIS Code:
Health - 1
Flammability - 2
Reactivity - 0
Protective Equipment - X

Download MSDS:
SOLVENT 327 US SDS_2015.pdf


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